Massage Therapy in Pickering

Registered Massage Therapy in Pickering, ON

One of the biggest causes of pain in the human body are the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

Massage therapy in Pickering at Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic focuses on the muscles to help alleviate pain, restore function, and prevent progression of some conditions. Massage therapy can also provide a soothing, relaxing treatment that can be extremely helpful for patients who are overstressed due to their health problems or their regular, daily lives.

Massage therapy is an excellent choice for treating a wide variety of health conditions including tension, stress, sleep disorders, spinal pain in the neck, midback and low back, depression and anxiety. Years of research has shown that massage therapy helps lower blood pressure, increases circulation, relaxes the muscles and significantly improves your range of motion.

Here at Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic in Pickering, our registered massage therapists use a variety of techniques and styles to treat the soft tissue (muscles) of the body including acupressure, deep tissue and Swedish massage. They also work together with our chiropractors and physical therapists to create an overall plan to return you to optimum health and wellness.

Massage therapy can help stimulate any muscles that have become weak and inactive due to an injury, being bedridden after an accident or other situations where your movement has been limited. Massage therapy is also excellent when there is a need to compensate for a lack of exercise due to any type of painful condition or disease process.

In some cases, you will also see your chiropractor and/or physiotherapist before or after your massage therapy session to maximize results. This one of the many benefits of having a multidisciplinary clinic at your disposal.

Ultimate safety precautions have been implemented and must be strictly followed

get in touch with us

Our hours vary, check on Google to confirm before you visit us!

1450 Kingston Rd,
Pickering, ON

Walk in Clinic: 905-831-8333
Pharmacy: 905-420-4011
Dentistry: 905-420-1777

Physiotherapy: 905-492-2739
Chiropractic: 905-492-2739
Massage: 905-492-2739